Brussels Light Opera Company is the largest amateur musical theatre company in Brussels and performs principally in English. It comprises over 200 members from 22 nations, encompassing a broad spectrum of cultures, ages and professions, who all share a love of musical theatre and who work together as amateurs to achieve high-quality productions as well as enjoy varied social activities.
Each year BLOC puts on at least two shows. The show performed in May or June auditions in January, rehearses on Monday and Tuesday evenings through the spring (adding in Sunday afternoons in the month before the show) and plays with a small band or orchestra to a 300 to 400-seater theatre for five performances. The show performed in November auditions in June (immediately after the spring show), and rehearses on Monday & Tuesday evenings from September onwards (adding in Sunday afternoons as the rehearsal process gathers momentum), culminating in five performances with full orchestra in a 650-seater theatre.
BLOC welcomes all newcomers. To perform in a show it is obligatory to audition for principal roles and for chorus. Formal musical training is not obligatory but reading music really does help during auditions and rehearsals. Nobody is paid save the Musical Director, Choreographer and orchestra members.
Non-singing members are very welcome as willing hands are always needed backstage or to help with administration. To stage any musical a small army of people is needed both before the show and backstage during the show. A production team is needed to give technical and administrative help both pre-show and backstage so many different skills are needed: carpentry, painting, costume designing and making, makeup and hairstyling, poster and programme design, making props, stage managing, sound, lighting…..the list is endless and if you haven’t tackled any of these before there are many on hand to teach and encourage. There’s something for everyone - it’s hard work but lots of fun.
The club holds an Annual General Meeting in March each year where the events of the year are documented and when members can air their views about how the club is run. The committee comprises an Honorary Chairman, Honorary Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer plus four more ordinary members. These officers of the club put themselves forward or are nominated each year and serve for that year, until the next Annual General Meeting (Or Extraordinary General Meeting). There is no fixed term of office.
BLOC’s social life includes barbecues, themed events, but most of all it involves companionship during or after rehearsal, and challenges in planning and running productions. Prospective members are always welcome to come and observe BLOC in action at our rehearsal home of De Kam in Wezembeek, so to find out more please contact one of the committee members - their email addresses are published on the BLOC website. BLOC is always looking for new members so if you think you might be interested, get in touch!