Brussels Light Opera Company


BLOC awards in Buxton

BLOC wins Champions award at International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival, Buxton, UK

BLOC was delighted to be named "Festival Champions" for its performance of Iolanthe at the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival, held in Buxton, UK, in August 2023. The "Ian G. Smith Champions Award" came with a generous prize of £1,000.

In addition, the chorus of Iolanthe excelled itself by being awarded "Best Chorus", and Stage-Directors Angela and Tony Lowe received the "Best Director" award.

Nominations were also received for "Best Actor in a Female Rôle" (Angela Lowe, Queen of the Fairies), "Best Female Voice" (Rosie Lewis, Iolanthe), and "Best Musical Director" (Lionel Bams).

The two-week annual Festival of Gilbert and Sullivan opera performances and fringe events attracts thousands of visitors, including performers, supporters, and G&S enthusiasts from around the world. Performances are given by both professional and amateur groups alike at the prestigious 900-seat Buxton Opera House.