Brussels Light Opera Company

Who's who

BLOC Committee 2025

At the AGM on 27 March 2025, the following members were elected to the BLOC Committee:

Chairman:Tony Lowe
Treasurer:Alex Just
Secretary:Barbara Bauer

Dennis Elslander 

Jonathan Oakey

Konstantin Wöbking 

Marie Rousseaux

If you wish to get in contact with any of the committee members, please see our Contact page.

Other BLOC members who fulfil non-elected roles in the Company include:

Social Secretary:Dennis Elslander
Librarian/Archivist:Barbara Bauer
Costumes Manager:Tonia Jolly
Props Mistress:Denise Wicken
Set Manager:Marie Rousseaux
Webmaster:Konstantin Wöbking
Graphic design & Photography:Eva Konrad