Brussels Light Opera Company - Harmony in Performance
In BLOC, we believe that every member of our company – whether new to BLOC or a 25 year veteran, whether performing on stage or working behind the scenes - plays a crucial role in creating the magic of our productions. This guide aims to foster a positive, respectful, and collaborative environment where everyone can have fun and contribute to our shared success. Let's embrace these principles and work together to build a supportive and inspiring space for all.
1. Our General Principles
We are committed to ensuring that BLOC is a community where everyone feels valued, appreciated and safe. This means that in BLOC:
- We treat all individuals—cast, crew, and audience members—with kindness and respect, creating an inclusive and welcoming environment.
- We strive to make every member feel like an integral part of the team, valuing their contribution.
- We do not tolerate gossip, jealousy or bullying. If we experience or witness negative behaviour, we feel safe to report it to the Trusted Person dedicated for the show, the production team, or to the BLOC committee.
- Casting
Casting a show is a difficult process, and BLOC’s audition policy is designed to ensure that casting is transparent and fair. The BLOC committee approves the proposal by the audition Committee prior to it being made public, and will only change the casting if they believe that the audition process has not been followed correctly. This means that in BLOC:
- We respect the casting choices, understanding that decisions are made with the best interests of the production in mind.
- We support one another, even if disappointed, recognizing that every role, no matter its size, is vital to the success of our show.
- We avoid hurting other cast members through gossip about favouritism and unfairness or negative remarks about actors’ abilities.
- Rehearsals
BLOC strives to put on the best possible show for its audiences with the limited amount of time it has and to make rehearsals a fun, enjoyable experience. This means that in BLOC:
- We treat everyone with respect and do not behave in a way that makes others uncomfortable.
- We approach rehearsals with enthusiasm, positivity, and a collaborative spirit, ready to give our best effort each time.
- We follow all instructions given by the production team and listen and respond constructively to their feedback, fostering a supportive atmosphere.
- We arrive on time and attend rehearsals when requested by the production team. If we can’t, we let them know as soon as possible.
- We help each other learn, avoiding criticism or non-constructive comments.
- Show Week and After
Show week is what all our incredibly hard work leads up to, and it should be a joyful experience for everyone involved on and off stage. However it is very tiring and often stressful for everyone involved, especially for those with important acting and production roles. This means that in BLOC:
- We demonstrate professionalism and dedication, ensuring we are punctual and prepared for all performances.
- We work together to find solutions to challenges, ensuring every show is a success.
- We behave respectfully back stage, including giving people space to focus and prepare. We do not complain or gossip about any member of cast or crew, or behave in a way that might destabilize, upset or distract any person from performing at their best.
- We celebrate each other's achievements on and off stage during and after show week, thanking everyone who has made the show a success.
If at any point in the production process you feel worried or uncomfortable, don’t keep it to yourself. The Stage Director and Producer are entrusted by BLOC to deliver the show and can be approached at any appropriate time. In addition, every BLOC show will have a “Trusted Person” appointed, with whom any concerns can be shared in confidence, and the appropriate actions discussed.
If you feel that the production team are not living up to these principles, you may always contact the Chairperson of BLOC, who is duty bound to investigate and intervene together with the BLOC officers and by consulting with the BLOC committee if necessary.
If any member of cast and crew, after careful consideration, is not considered to be living up to these principles, they may be asked, by both the Stage Director and the Producer together, to leave the show.
We all choose to be involved in a BLOC production and we all want it to be a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Let's make every rehearsal, performance, and interaction a reflection of our dedication to excellence and respect for one another. Together, we create magic both on and off the stage and enjoy ourselves doing it!