Brussels Light Opera Company

Social Life

Although singing, acting and dancing are the company’s main concern, the social side is not neglected and several events are organised throughout the year, the main ones being the Christmas party and the September BBQ. Typically there is a cast party held for all participants, on stage and off, following the last performance of each show.

So along with cast parties and bbqs, themed events are sometimes planned and dance/acting/makup workshops to name just a few. Most of all, though, it means sharing the love of musical theatre with like-minded people – be they young or old, or whatever nationality (and BLOC has around 22 nationalities in its membership). It involves companionship during or after rehearsal, and challenges in planning and running productions. Prospective members are always welcome to come and observe BLOC in action at our rehearsal home of De Kam in Wezembeek, so to find out more please contact one of the committee members - their email addresses are published on the BLOC website. BLOC is always looking for new members so if you think you might be interested, get in touch!