Brussels Light Opera Company

Successful information evening for Urinetown

On the 5th of December, BLOC held a very well attended information evening for the company's next production: Urinetown!

The production team was introduced, including Stage Director - Emanuelle Vergier, Music Director - Steven De Mesmaeker, Producer - Meera Laurijssen and Assistant Producer - Alexander Just. During the evening Giselle Maksoud - a previous Stage Manager for BLOC productions - volunteered to join the team, and so the production team is now in great form!

Meera ran through some practical details for all.

For those of you who had not seen it – here are the butties won by BLOC for the 2016-2017 season


Best Show - A Christmas Carol 

Best Actor - Tony Lowe

Best Set Design and Construction - A Christmas Carol: Philip Deeks, Marie Rousseaux, Janet Gray, Anna Schallenberg

Best Sound - A Christmas Carol: Jeremy Thomas, Andy Fisk

Best Producer - A Christmas Carol: Meera Laurijssen, Martin Blackwell