Brussels Light Opera Company

BLOC - Audition procedure

This page explains the process that BLOC expects the stage director and their production team to follow when casting a BLOC show. Any deviation from this process needs agreement from the BLOC Committee before the audition process commences. A member of the BLOC Committee will provide training to the audition committee to ensure the process is followed.

The objective of following a clear and consistent process is to ensure that every show is consistently cast in a fair, transparent manner, minimising the chances that disputes will arise.

1. The audition committee will comprise only the following people: Stage Director, Musical Director, Choreographer (if part of the audition process) and one member of the BLOC Committee, assigned by the BLOC Committee. The Stage Director will announce the audition committee membership at the show’s introduction evening.

2. Only these 3-4 members have decision authority. They are each responsible for assessing the suitability of candidates holistically, not just in their area of responsibility (e.g. Stage, Dance, Music).

3. If the production team wish to have other members of the team present at auditions to give their opinion, this is a choice of the production team, however they have no decision making authority.

4. All auditions must be open to anyone auditioning for the show. Anyone not auditioning needs permission from the audition committee to be there.

5. If a candidate cannot make the official audition date, they may, with up front agreement of the audition committee, audition at the other scheduled opportunities, e.g. principal audition at the end of chorus auditions or before call-backs, chorus audition before principal auditions or call-backs. Note also that chorus members may audition at one of the first rehearsals should the production need additional chorus.

6. Whilst we should always strive for consensus in casting, in the case of a split decision, a vote is taken by the audition committee. If the vote is tied, the Stage Director has the casting vote.

7. The decision on understudies and alternates rests with the production team. An alternate requires dedicated rehearsal time and should get at least one show. An understudy should shadow the principal and is not guaranteed a show. This should be made very clear at the outset, ideally even as early as the introduction evening. The production team has the right to change their initial plans, should casting issues result in the need for a different approach.

8. Once principal rôles have been decided, the audition committee should inform the individuals of the decisions and confirm that they will take the rôle, and if unsuccessful, join the chorus or not. They should make it clear that this is an offer that is only considered confirmed once the official communication is sent out by email.

9. The audition committee must get approval from the BLOC Committee before the cast list is formally communicated – both for principal rôles and chorus.

10. If for whatever reason, the audition committee is unable to reach a decision, as a last resort they may seek help from the BLOC Chairman, who will consult with the BLOC Officers and Committee.