Brussels Light Opera Company


Chairman for the last 4 years, Diana has managed to keep the standards of management and show performance at an all-time high. Thank you, Diana for your sterling service for BLOC over the years!  
Our astonishing costume team starts to get noticed outside BLOC! They have made it to the front page of Uitgekamd, the De Kam March 2019 newsletter that has just been published. Thank you ladies! …
A very happy and healthy 2019 for all BLOC members and friends! May 2019 be an excellent year. Our new season has started, yesterday, with the practice evening for aspiring soloists for The Sorcerer…
On Tuesday 11 December, BLOC held their Information Evening for our spring production 2019: Gilbert and Sullivan's (G&S) "The Sorcerer".  The show will be performed 5 times at De Bosuil, from 23…
The photo gallery of our last show is now online. You will find them under the menu "Productions". Just hoover over "Past Productions", choose "Gallery" and then Oklahoma!
BLOC's majestic new production of Oklahoma is in it's final rehearsals, the sets are primed, the costumes getting their final tweaks. There are still some seats left, so if you plan on coming, get…
Tickets are now available for our November 2018 production, Oklahoma!   Book yours here! Early bird prices available until 9 October 2018.
"They couldn't pick a better time to start in life It ain't too early and it ain't too late" This week BLOC kicked off our autumn 2018 season with the first rehearsals for Oklahoma! The principals…
Today, Sunday 9 September, BLOC held our annual late summer barbeque. It was a lovely sunny afternoon in the courtyard of De Kam. There was loads of yummy food, and much great company. There was…
The Brussels United Theatre Technicians (BUTT) held their annual awards ceremony on the 7th of July 2018. The "Butties" celebrate and reward excellence in those who have worked on any shows put on by…
If you have been in a show (cast or crew) with BLOC between September 2017 and June 2018, you are eligible to vote for the Brussels United Theatre Technicians present the BUTT Awards 2018. What? How…
On Tuesday the 5th of June, barely having caught our breath after the final performance of Urinetown, BLOC members threw themselves back into the fray, with our introduction and chorus practice…
The Brussels Light Opera Company's production of Urinetown came to De Warandepoort Theatre, Tervuren, just outside of Brussels, from 30 May to 3 June 2018. Despite some early concerns within the…
Prior to the dress rehearsal for Urinetown the Musical, several representatives from BLOC had the opportunity to sit down and talk with Rob Hopkins and Filipa Pimentel from Transition Network.…
DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR A SHOW? The dates of performance are end May 2019 at de Bosuil (@ 360 seats) and end November 2019 at the Auderghem Cultural Centre (@660 seats). BLOC is looking for shows…
We need a minimum of 50 square metres with a minimum height of 3.5 metres to build the Oklahoma set. Philip & Marie who are in charge of construction would like to hear from you if you know of…
Dear Reader! BLOC is up and running for 2018. It’s full steam ahead with a full programme. Most exciting are our plans for Urinetown. There was a marvellous turnout for auditions – 65 people.…
On the 23rd of January 2018, BLOC's cast for Urinetown: The Musical gathered at De Kam for the first time, and held a read through of the entire script.  It was great to hear the script, to get a…
After much consideration, the cast for Urinetown has been finalised. It was a very hard task for the audition panel, given the (large) amount of talent shown at auditions, and the (not so large) size…
During the second week of January 2018, BLOC held auditions for our upcoming musical production: Urinetown. From the practice session held on Sunday 7 January, through soloist musical auditions,…